Thursday, May 23, 2013

Louie de Gumper

It’s been 2 days since we said goodbye and I still feel like every room I am in doesn’t have enough oxygen. Today I took care of your food bowl and the finality of it brought me to my knees. I find myself looking at your favorite rest spots in the yard and I don’t know if my want or need to see you there is stronger. My heart is broken.

I want you to know you are the best dog ever. You were so much more than my pet. You and I went through so much these past 14 ½ years that I am not sure if my heart will ever be whole again. You were the first reason anyone called me Mom. You taught me how to love someone else more than myself. You gave me your unconditional love and never judged me. Even when we were apart, the thought of you never failed to make me smile. You made me a better person.

I know that I have to let you go now and in my head I know it was the right thing to do, but getting my heart to understand that is really challenging. There are so many memories that I don’t ever want to forget…

               Like how much you loved the lake in Kansas. You had so many friends there and to watch you run free with all the other dogs was so much fun.

               When we tried to take you on a canoe ride when you were a puppy and you were so excited you stood up and we flipped over! We were all soaking wet but the afternoon spent on the river’s edge drying off was one of the best days ever.

               When we moved back to California and you were a little upset so you kept licking holes in the walls. To this day I am not sure how you managed it, but I know fixing those suckers was not an easy task!
               Taking you hiking all over this country. You were always up for a good hike no matter how far, high or long. You were a trooper that would go anywhere we went.

               Being my first and best running partner. You were a major reason why I started to run and you were the best partner. You were fine with whatever pace I set and stayed right beside me.

               When you watched over me when I was pregnant with the girl. Those 4 months of bed rest it was just you and me all day every day and you never left my side. You watched over me and were there for me when I needed someone to lean on. You knew I needed you and I don’t know if I ever thanked you enough.

               You have watched over both kids like they were your own. You tolerated them trying to ride you, pull your hair, dress you up like a princess, played the role of ninja puppy monster and so much more. Your patience with the kids never wavered, even in the end. You were always the perfect gentleman.

               You loved the water. You tried to eat the ocean waves and ride the surf. You were our first swimmer!  We could never keep you out of the pool and on hot days we always knew you could be found lounging on the first pool step.
               You always loved to walk yourself. You would take the lead away from me and proudly walk with it in your mouth. You knew you could do a much better job at it than I ever could!

               You were the smartest dog and I know you understood every word I ever said to you. Your eyes were the window to your soul and in them was so much kindness and compassion. Your eyebrows gave us the words you could never say. How you could cock one eyebrow and quickly switch to the other never got old and always made me smile.

               There will never be another smile like yours. Your whole face lit up when you smiled and there was no mistaking how happy you were. I will miss your smile.


I could go on for pages and pages of all the wonderful memories, but these are just a few that I never want to forget.

Louie, please know you were loved. Please know that you will forever be in our hearts and souls. Please know that the gifts you gave we could never repay. I know I am a better mom, friend, and person because of you. I know that we never deserved such an awesome dog, but I thank God every day that he put you in our lives.


Love you Louie, forever and always.
Louis de Gumper
October 21, 1998 - May 21, 2013
Louie, Lou Lou, Lump, Lumpie, Gumper, Lou Dog, and simply The Best!




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