Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Luck Be A Lady

Punishment is always a sticky subject to say the least. I could delve into some major muddy waters if we got involved with the long standing debates on what is appropriate punishments and what crosses the line. I will admit, I lean more old school than I do the new age touchy feely style. I strongly believe there are consequences to ones actions and I also believe that you must take your punishment without whining or crying. That applies to both children and adults by the way. While we are on the subject, I also believe there are winners and losers. No, not everyone deserves a medal, trophy or award just for showing up. Rewards are for the winners and if you want a reward then try harder to win. I will admit if one of my kids did give a great effort and still didn't win I will reward them for their effort, but I sure as heck don't expect the event sponsors to give them one of the awards just for showing up.

In our house the kids punishments are becoming a little harder to enforce. Between our busy schedule and team/school commitments some of the old stand by punishments don't work. There are many days my kids don't have time to watch TV, play Wii, or even go outside. I can't take away what they don't have time for anyway. Grounding them to their rooms or the house is a death sentence for me. They inevitably make huge messes and are constantly under my feet so that I can't get a thing done. Not to mention the barrage of questions, comments and conversations that they expect me to be interested in. I already have to fake interest in some of my husband's rants I really don't have the energy to do so for a 7 year old.

So imagine my complete excitement when a fellow swim mom shared her solution with me this weekend and it is absolutely brilliant! We all have chores around the house that need to be done and we all know we don't want to do them. I am talking about the things that you always say you are going to get to but never do...like the baseboards and blinds! But if we ask our family to help or assign the tasks, it is met with the aforementioned whining and crying which doesn't help anyone. So, instead of her telling the kids their punishment, they have to roll the dice! Lady Luck is the bearer of the bad news and you are then just an Innocent bystander that can empathize with them when they roll the dreaded #10...picking up the dog poop.

Oh how I wish I could lay claim to this idea but alas, it is not mine but by God I took it and ran with it! I talked to the kids about it and together we assigned the tasks to the numbers they could roll. Even though there are some really bummer tasks included on the list, there is also the coveted Snake Eyes which is your get out of punishment free roll. Roll those Snake Eye and you can walk away without any punishment, not even a warning, completely Scott free! There are days that I want to roll snake eyes! Please?

I had already informed the kids that we would be cleaning the house today so we decided to put our Lady Luck to the test. We each rolled the dice and whatever numbers we rolled those would be the chores we would do. IT WAS AWESOME! I didn't assign anyone chores, Lady Luck did and not a single complaint was heard. They understood that once their chores were done they could go outside and play so how quickly that happened was up to them. Cleaning the house has never been so down right pleasant. I wasn't the bad guy. I didn't hand out the chores/punishments. This is going to be great!

It even worked so well that my normally prickly pre-teen happily did her chores and some of mine too! She has her favorite numbers picked out and says that she will gladly accept her punishment the next time she has to rolls the dice. She even went so far as to say that her goal is to never have to roll the dice. Yeah, we all know where good intentions lead and I can assure you she will be a dice rolling princess here soon. In fact, if she makes it through the day I will be shocked.

But for now, Luck be a Lady and today I am the lucky one!

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