Monday, May 14, 2012

Pet Peeve Monday!

Warning...the following blog might not be suitable for all ages. Not 100% sure how bad it is really going to get, but I am going to be talking about crap that pisses me off so it could get ugly. Just saying.

Things that are pissing me off (or did piss me off and I am still not over it) this fine Monday morning:

If you don't like the answer I just provided to your question, do you really think getting snotty with me is going to A. change my answer or B. help your cause in any way, shape or form?

Never marry a nice guy! Because when he is being a jerk and you try to bitch to your girlfriends about him they really don't believe you!

Don't post some lame ass open ended boo hoo comment on facebook and not explain yourself. Really...go fishing for sympathy often, do we?

Don't respond to said pathetic posts with support, especially if you really don't know what is going on. For all you know you are saying you are fully supporting someone that just shot their fricking nice guy spouse! Are you going to be there for them then?

Bagging grocery helper, when bagging groceries, do not put bread in with cans, bottles or other heavy objects. While you might enjoy misshaped and smushed bread, my kids won't touch the crap with a 10 foot pole. Thanks.

Maker of the self check out things at stores - FIX THOSE DAMN THINGS NOW! What is the use of self check out if every single time I try to use them I have to wait for a frigging person to either count my bananas or verify the bottles of cream soda haven't been swapped out for some beer.

Person who stole my Kids at Play sign this weekend. Do you really want to mess with that kind of karma dude? Stealing my sign so your kids can play safe while mine play speeding car roulette is only going to end bad for you. When that little bit of irony bites you in the ass it is going to suck. Just saying.

Warm gooey rice crispy bathroom scale says up yours!

What is the point of paying a crap load of money to have stitches put into my child for 7 - 10 days if they all fall out within 5?

That is all I can think of right now which is surprising because I feel far bitchier than that.

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